
I am originally from San Jose, California. I obtained my B.S. in psychology from San Jose State University in 2011 and my Ph. D. in quantitative psychology from the University of California, Merced in 2018, working with my advisor, Dr. Jack L. Vevea.

In July 2019, I was hired as a postdoctoral fellow working with the STEPP (Statistics for Evidence-Based Policy and Practice) Center at Northwestern University. I work with Drs. Beth Tipton and Larry Hedges. My office is in Room 201, 617 Library Place, Evanston, IL, 60208.

My primary research interests include reproducibility and related issues, such as publication bias. My dissertation proposed a weight-function model for moderators of publication bias (factors other than statistical significance that impact studies’ chance of publication). I also have considerable experience with R and have published an R package on CRAN to implement these weight-function models; see weightr (Coburn & Vevea, 2015).

Contact me


+1 (408) 914-5373

Written on March 3, 2014